The inner journey of leadership

Let the beauty of what you love, be what you do.
~ Rumi

The most important quality we bring into
any leadership responsibility is
‘who we are’ as a person.

Self-awareness therefore is a key leadership requirement.

As Leaders and Coaches we can meet people only as deeply as we have met ourselves, which inspires my profound passion for the inner journey of leadership.

Self-awareness is not a state, but an intentional journey of discovery. Only if we have the courage to explore the path inside our own selves (what C.G. Jung calls the ‘individuation process’) and if we have the curiosity to cultivate a solid inner practice of awareness, presence and the effective processing of our emotions, are we able to genuinely act out of an aligned inner intention and authentically guide others as leaders.



Executive Coaching


Business Consulting


Leadership Programs

Yes, I’m curious to explore